Quarterdeck Login
Click on the “Homeport” button above, then fill out the short form and submit it. Your USNSCC ID is your ID number.

Your USNSCC number can be found on your ID card show on left.

Creating your Quarterdeck Login - For first-time users who haven’t created a Quarterdeck Account
1. Select the “First Time User? Click Here to Register”
2. Once your role is selected, input the request information.
3. What you put in must reflect what is in Magellan. a. Currently, only the primary contact of a cadet is able to create a parent profile b. Your USNSCC ID Number is located on your ID card
4. Once all of your information has been entered, you can click submit.
5. You will then be emailed a temporary password. You will have 24 hours to log-in
6. On your first log-in you will be prompted to replace your temporary password with our own.
Make sure your cadet is signed off of his/her account before starting a new one. Only the primary parent can create an account and attach a cadet. We are working on allowing additional connections.
YOU CAN NOT USE THE SAME EMAIL ADDRESS for a Parent and Cadet. Emails address's must be different ***
If you are an adult volunteer, you attach your cadet through your adult volunteer account, not a new parent account.
Verify you are using the same name as the primary contact in the cadet’s profile. Example: Ron vs. Ronald
Look out for a space at the beginning of a name in the cadet’s profile. Example ” John”
Make sure you put the first name and last name in the corresponding field.
Because of email spam filters, you may see delays in receiving the temporary password email email, sometimes up to 36 hours. Please also check the spam and update folders of your email.
Signing Up for Training
Once you have signed up in Quarterdeck/Homeport and successfully finished the coursework in Polaris, you can search for Recruit and Advanced Trainings available by clicking on the buttons above. This link will take you to your account within Homeport. Be sure you sign in, then click on the links to expand, read about requirements and information needed.

Homeport is the Naval Sea Cadets online source for official policy and references which can be accessed through Quarter Deck.